Author / Memo Akten

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  • ofxARDrone & ofxARDroneOscBridge

    C++ openFrameworks addon and OSC Bridge to interface with and control Parrot AR Drone QuadCopters. Does not use the official SDK in any way. Instead it re-implements the open network communication protocol (as outlined in the official documentation) using the standard openFrameworks ofxNetwork addon. As such, ofxARDrone addon has no dependencies and will compile and…

  • TuioPad

    An open source TUIO tracker for iOS devices such as iPad, iPhone and iPod touch that allows multitouch remote control based on the TUIO protocol. The application is available free of charge on the App Store and can be used in conjunction with any TUIO enabled client application. Its source code is also available under the…

  • ofxMSAInterpolator

    A set of C++ template classes for doing various types of interpolations on data in any number of dimensions. You can feed the system an arbitrary number of n-dimensional data (can be simple types like float, int or complex types like vectors, matrices, or even custom structs, classes like biped poses etc), then resample at…

  • UDP/TCP Bridge

    An opensource, cross platform, C++ UDP-TCP Bridge. Originally created to forward UDP TUIO (OSC) messages straight to TCP to be read from within Flash. This application forwards all incoming UDP messages straight to TCP without touching the data, just a straight forward. (Since version 0.2.1 there is the option to prefix the size of the…

  • MSAQTPlayer

    A Mega Super Awesome (and mega super simple), fullscreen / multiple output Quicktime player with fast, greater-than-4096-pixels support (for Mac OSX). It exists for a simple reason: There are no applications that can play large quicktime files across multiple outputs of your graphics card, with good performance.  I wrote this software for an installation because…

  • His Spaghedeity’s Screensaver

    I was sitting minding my own business, exploring accumulation buffers in Quartz Composer, when all of a sudden I just zoned out, and next thing I know, I found myself staring at Him on my screen. His Noodly Appendages came down and touched me, and guided my hands, connecting Quartz Composer’s very own noodles in…

  • qcMSAQuadWarper

    GLSL Shader to do Quad Warping and map textures to surfaces. Created as a Quartz Composer patch which allows it to be used as a plugin for any QC compatible host. In the video below, the plugin is demonstrated in VDMX.   The main magic happens in the GLSL shader below.   Download msa_Quad Warp.qtz…