Deep Meditations: A brief history of almost everything (2018)

“It feels like the machine is trying to tell me something…” – audience member

Deep Meditations: A brief history of almost everything in 60 minutes is a large-scale video and sound installation; a multi-channel, one hour abstract film; a monument that celebrates life, nature, the universe and our subjective experience of it. The work invites us on a spiritual journey through slow, meditative, continuously evolving images and sounds, told through the imagination of a deep artificial neural network.

We are invited to acknowledge and appreciate the role we play as humans as part of a complex ecosystem heavily dependent on the balanced co-existence of many components. The work embraces and celebrates the interconnectedness of all human, non-human, living and non living things across many scales of time and space – from microbes to galaxies.

More information at the bottom of this page