ofxMSAmcts (2015)

C++11 Templated MCTS (Monte Carlo Tree Search) library with examples for openFrameworks.

    State state;            // contains the current state, it must comply with the State interface
    Action action;          // contains an action that can be applied to a State, and bring it to a new State
    UCT<State, Action> uct; // Templated class. Builds a partial decision tree and searches it with UCT MCTS
    // OPTIONAL init uct params
    uct.uct_k = sqrt(2);
    uct.max_millis = 0;
    uct.max_iterations = 100;
    uct.simulation_depth = 5;
    loop {
    	// run uct mcts on current state and infer optimal action
    	action = uct.run(state);
    	// apply the action to the current state



Created during my PhD at Goldsmiths, funded by the EPSRC UK.